

Synthesised documentation from type/Metamodel/MROBasedMethodDispatch type/Metamodel/DefiniteHOW

From type/Metamodel/MROBasedMethodDispatch

See Original text in context

method find_method($obj$name:$no_fallback*%adverbs)

Given a method name, it returns the method object of that name which is closest in the method resolution order (MRO). If no method can be found, it returns a VM-specific sentinel value (typically a low-level NULL value) that can be tested for with a test for definedness:

for <upper-case  uc> {
    Str.^find_method: $^meth andthen .("foo").say
        orelse "method `$meth` not found".say
# method `upper-case` not found 
# FOO 

If :no_fallback is supplied, fallback methods are not considered.

From type/Metamodel/DefiniteHOW

See Original text in context

method find_method($definite_type$name)

Looks up a method on the base type of a definite type.