

Synthesised documentation from type/HyperSeq type/Baggy type/RaceSeq type/Any type/Map type/Pair type/List

From type/HyperSeq

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method invert(HyperSeq:D:)

Inverts the HyperSeq created from a Seq by .hyper.

From type/Baggy

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method invert(Baggy:D: --> Seq:D)

Returns all elements and their respective weights as a Seq of Pair objects, where the element itself is the value and the weight of that element is the key, i.e. the opposite of method pairs. Except for some esoteric cases, invert on a Baggy type returns the same result as antipairs.

my $breakfast = bag <bacon eggs bacon>;
my $seq = $breakfast.invert;
say $seq.sort;                                    # OUTPUT: «(1 => eggs 2 => bacon)␤»

From type/RaceSeq

See Original text in context

method invert(RaceSeq:D:)

Inverts the RaceSeq created from a Seq by .race.

From type/Any

See Original text in context

multi method invert(Any:U:)
multi method invert(Any:D:)

Applied to a type object will return an empty list; applied to an object will convert it to a list and apply List.invert to it, that is, interchange key with value in every Pair. The resulting list needs to be a list of Pairs.

"aaabbcccc".comb.Bag.invert.say# OUTPUT: «(4 => c 3 => a 2 => b)␤»

In this case, a Bag can be converted to a list of Pairs. If the result of converting the object to a list is not a list of pairs, the method will fail.

From type/Map

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method invert(Map:D: --> Seq:D)

Returns all keys and their respective values as a Seq of Pairs where the keys and values have been exchanged. The difference between invert and antipairs is that invert expands list values into multiple pairs.

my $m ='a' => (23), 'b' => 17);
say $m.invert;                          # OUTPUT: «(2 => a 3 => a 17 => b)␤»

From type/Pair

See Original text in context

method invert(Pair:D: --> Seq:D)

Returns a Seq. If the .value of the invocant is NOT an Iterable, the Seq will contain a single Pair whose .key is the .value of the invocant and whose .value is the .key of the invocant:

:foo<bar>.invert.raku.say# OUTPUT: «(:bar("foo"),).Seq»

If invocant's .value is an Iterable, the returned Seq will contain the same number of Pairs as items in the .value, with each of those items a .key of a pair and the .key of the invocant the .value of that pair:

:foo<Raku is great>.invert.raku.say;
# OUTPUT: «(:Raku("foo"), :is("foo"), :great("foo")).Seq» 
:foo{ :42a, :72}.invert.raku.say;
# OUTPUT: «((:a(42)) => "foo", (:b(72)) => "foo").Seq»

To perform the exact .key and .value swap, use antipair.

From type/List

See Original text in context

method invert(List:D: --> Seq:D)

Assumes every element of the List is a Pair. Returns all elements as a Seq of Pairs where the keys and values have been exchanged. If the value of a Pair is an Iterable, then it will expand the values of that Iterable into separate pairs.

my $l ='a' => (23), 'b' => 17);
say $l.invert;   # OUTPUT: «(2 => a 3 => a 17 => b)␤»