

Synthesised documentation from type/IO/Spec/Cygwin type/IO/Spec/Win32 type/IO/Spec/Unix

From type/IO/Spec/Cygwin

See Original text in context

method catdir (*@parts --> Str:D)

Concatenates multiple path fragments and returns the canonical representation of the resultant path as a string. The @parts are Str objects and are allowed to contain path separators.

IO::Spec::Cygwin.catdir(<foo/bar ber raku>).say;
# OUTPUT: «foo/bar/ber/raku␤»

From type/IO/Spec/Win32

See Original text in context

method catdir (*@parts --> Str:D)

Concatenates multiple path fragments and returns the canonical representation of the resultant path as a string. The @parts are Str objects and are allowed to contain path separators.

IO::Spec::Win32.catdir(<foo/bar ber raku>).say;
# OUTPUT: «foo\bar\ber\raku␤»

From type/IO/Spec/Unix

See Original text in context

method catdir (*@parts --> Str:D)

Concatenates multiple path fragments and returns the canonical representation of the resultant path as a string. The @parts are Str objects and are allowed to contain path separators.

IO::Spec::Unix.catdir(<foo/bar ber raku>).say# OUTPUT: «foo/bar/ber/raku␤»