

Synthesised documentation from type/NumStr type/ComplexStr type/Enumeration type/RatStr type/IntStr type/Real type/Cool type/Complex

From type/NumStr

See Original text in context

multi method Real(NumStr:D: --> Num:D)
multi method Real(NumStr:U: --> Num:D)

The :D variant returns the numeric portion of the invocant. The :U variant issues a warning about using an uninitialized value in numeric context and then returns value 0e0.

From type/ComplexStr

See Original text in context

multi method Real(ComplexStr:D: --> Num:D)
multi method Real(ComplexStr:U: --> Num:D)

Coerces the numeric portion of the invocant to Num. If the imaginary part isn't approximately zero, coercion fails with X::Numeric::Real.

The :D variant returns the result of that coercion. The :U variant issues a warning about using an uninitialized value in numeric context and then returns value 0e0.

From type/Enumeration

See Original text in context

multi method Real(::?CLASS:D:)

Takes a value of an enum and returns it after coercion to Real:

enum Numbers ( cool => '42'almost-pi => '3.14'sqrt-n-one => 'i' );
say cool.Real;           # OUTPUT: «42␤» 
say almost-pi.Real;      # OUTPUT: «3.14␤» 
try say sqrt-n-one.Real;
say $!.message if $!;    # OUTPUT: «Cannot convert 0+1i to Real: imaginary part not zero␤»

Note that if the value cannot be coerced to Real, an exception will be thrown.

From type/RatStr

See Original text in context

multi method Real(Real:D: --> Rat:D)
multi method Real(Real:U: --> Rat:D)

The :D variant returns the numeric portion of the invocant. The :U variant issues a warning about using an uninitialized value in numeric context and then returns value 0.0.

From type/IntStr

See Original text in context

multi method Real(IntStr:D: --> Int:D)
multi method Real(IntStr:U: --> Int:D)

The :D variant returns the numeric portion of the invocant. The :U variant issues a warning about using an uninitialized value in numeric context and then returns value 0.

From type/Real

See Original text in context

multi method Real(Real:D: --> Real:D)
multi method Real(Real:U: --> Real:D)

The :D variant simply returns the invocant. The :U variant issues a warning about using an uninitialized value in numeric context and then returns

From type/Cool

See Original text in context

multi method Real()

Coerces the invocant to a Numeric and calls its .Real method. Fails if the coercion to a Numeric cannot be done.

say 1+0i.Real;            # OUTPUT: «1␤» 
say 2e1.Real;             # OUTPUT: «20␤» 
say 1.3.Real;             # OUTPUT: «1.3␤» 
say (-4/3).Real;          # OUTPUT: «-1.333333␤» 
say "foo".Real.^name;     # OUTPUT: «Failure␤»

From type/Complex

See Original text in context

multi method Real(Complex:D: --> Num:D)
multi method Real(Complex:U: --> Num:D)

Coerces the invocant to Num. If the imaginary part isn't approximately zero, coercion fails with X::Numeric::Real.

The :D variant returns the result of that coercion. The :U variant issues a warning about using an uninitialized value in numeric context and then returns value 0e0.